5600 N Flagler Dr. Suite #705, West Palm Beach FL 33407 1-833-833-4295 dan@hawkeye.ca

Pest or Problem Birds

pest birds usaPest birds are at the very least annoying when leaving unsightly droppings and nesting materials around your home or business, but more often and more importantly pose real healths risk to humans. Between transmitted diseases and parasites and actual bird attacks, this is a problem you'll want to tackle sooner rather than later. Both, human conflict and property damage can be curtailed or avoided all together.

When it comes to Pest Bird the list is long, but the most common problem birds we are asked to deal with are Grackels (Grackles), Geese, Seagulls, Pigeons, Pelicans, and Storks.


While many bird control companies promote the use of poison corn as a control method, at Hawkeye we do not endorse this practice. Such methods will encourage the spread of West Nile, as the poisoned birds will die in the community. Our practice of trapping and relocation, allows us to euthanize and dispose of diseased birds in a controlled environment. Please carefully consider your bird control options.


It is important to note that bird control efforts involving migratory birds require permits. Hawkeye will obtain necessary permits from US Fish and Wildlife Services on your behalf.


Contact Hawkeye Bird and Animal Control LLC


Hawkeye Bird and Animal Control LLC
5600 N Flagler Dr. #705
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Ph: 1.833.833.4295